Saturday, April 17, 2010

Participating in Evil

Evil does exists. I've always believed this, yet I never gave it proper attention. I am not one to "incarnate" evil even when it comes to political individuals. However I do believe just about anyone is capable of committing an evil act. But this is not the point of this entry. Evil does exists and we participate in its propagation.

Evil exists separate from human actions, but prefers to "breed" within them. Too many people give attention to evil when it is obvious, such as in heinous crimes. Yet not enough individuals give evil its proper attention. Evil relies on our willingness to ignore it.

Evil takes its time. It prefers a slow pace, almost like it is being patient. Evil does not wait for its victim to be vulnerable. It feeds off the slow roasting temperature of the ignorance and apathy from its victim. Evil rises in the oven of sloth because laziness is its yeast ingredient. And evil is done before you even realize it exists.

Our participation in evil is quite simple: think that bad is good, ugly is beautiful and lies are true. In other words, believe the profane is sacred or just reject the sacred all together. Evil is not the opposite of good, evil is the absence of good.