Saturday, September 11, 2010

Normal vs. Perfect

What is normal anyway? Normal is undefinable and subjective. If normal is based on statistical tendencies, then normal is just a glimpse of what is popular. If normal is based on social and cultural norms, then normal is just a reflection of a particular group of people. "Normal" is not something to achieve but a by-product of what already is.

Jesus never said, "Be normal as your heavenly Father is normal."

Perfection on the other hand is definable and objective. No wonder Jesus said, "Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). Yet some say that perfection is not achievable. They should rethink their position. Perfection is achievable--that is something to strive to achieve. Many people may fail at being perfect, and perhaps this is why we focus on being normal instead. Regardless of the failure of being perfect, perfection is still something we all must strive for--and maybe then perfection would be normal.

Then again I've been told that I'm a perfectionist.