If We the Church are serious about passing on the Faith, then we will take seriously the reality that such an endeavor requires not an echoing monologue of doctrinal diatribes, but an engaging event of encountering the Blessed Holy Trinity.
The great irony is that our shepherd bishops know this, proclaim it in their echoing monologues, yet rarely implement what they know to be true, good, and beautiful. There are already some living this great new evangelization, but the time is now to infuse this charismatic spirit into our catechesis.
For those of us in the ministry of catechesis, we must shift the paradigm from products of programs to events of encounters. This is more than labeling a textbook, for there is no place for textbooks and classrooms in this new catechetical reformation. Catechists are not to be instructors, and definitely not lecturers. Catechists are not to echo our own words, but the Incarnate Word. Therefore, we must think anew.
We are inviting others to spend time with our Lord. The stage is God's, not ours. Yet we all need to be present together on that stage with God. We are not spectators, but participants in this encounter.
So instead of prepping a lesson, schedule an event. Instead of drafting lecture notes, compile your playlist. Instead of managing a classroom, set the stage for the greatest event ever to be encountered. Engage the sacred space that is when two or more are gathered in his name. Preach the Gospel for sure, but with that Catholic fervor of word AND action.
The beauty of God's Word is truly not found viewing words on a page, but experiencing with all our senses the Event of Salvation History. So let us echo God's Word as if we are encountering God Himself.