Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Civilization Lost

Observation: Society is a mechanism not a civilization.
Conclusion: Civilization has been lost.

Mech-a-nism: a process, technique, or system for achieving a result.
Civ-i-li-za-tion: refinement of thought, manners, or taste

Certainly my observation is shared by the common person. You need not be an "intellectual" to posit such a revelatory explanation on the plight of the human condition. Am I being pessimistic in my inference? Have I jumped to quickly to my conclusion? If I am correct in my final analysis is this the final word on the human condition?

Since I am not a pessimist, I believe that civilization is lost for good. We suffer from a severe illness that is corroding the soul of humanity. The late great Pope John Paul II, Servant of God, spoke of the "culture of death." Thus perhaps civilization has been lost, for now. Yet humanity is not gone. We must reclaim what has been redeemed. Our pursuit must not be to return to "civilization" but the goal is to become "sanctuary."

Would you be interested in reading more? Let me know if this is a topic worth writing a book about that you would be in turn interested in reading.