As the new liturgical year approaches, I reflect on the past year and more. This past year, and even much longer than that, has been one filled with confusion in the name of compassion. Of course this "compassion" is false because those who wear such a mask hide from the truth of their words and deeds. The truth is that what they say and do causes only confusion and discord. And so I'm left not in despair or disbelief, but continue to witness leaders who are liars and shepherds who are thieves. My hope is strong with Christ, but broken with the Church. My belief in Christ is unshaken, but lost in man.
How much longer can faith in God last when those whom he entrusts to embody his Word commit acts of profanity and speak in ways that violate the truth, beauty, and goodness of God's plan of creation and salvation? All the saints in Heaven must be crying out for justice! The souls in Purgatory must be overwhelmed, unless Hell has won!
Here on Earth, victory is cast in the shadow of death. Yet I trust in you, Lord! Longing for your light to pierce the darkness, I pray for man. I pray for the Church.
I pray that believers no longer walk in the shadow of compassion, but see the darkness for what it truly is, confusion. I pray that believers no longer dress in the worldly attire of diversity, but feel the fabric of discord that truly is worn.
When men, like James Martin, wear a cloak of compassion, I see a dress in disbelief. When men, like Cardinal Marx, proclaim soliloquies of inclusiveness, I hear curses in disbelief. May all men strip clean from his cloak of compassion and bear the truth in all the beauty of his nakedness! May all men speak boldly the Gospel truth even at the risk of naming the sins of others! May all men and women embrace the truth, beauty, and goodness of God's plan for life and love. May all men and women embrace together the way, the truth, and the life of Christ.
May every man and boy stand strong and humble in the genius of his masculinity. Lord, help all of us to bear witness to the truth that humanity depends not on the aggression of men, but on the valor in his heart. Lord, strengthen each man and boy to gird his loins not from fear, but for the sake of fertility. Help us to embrace the gift of life, precious at every stage, loved by the eyes of everyone, gazed with grace. Let every woman recognize in each man, the person you made. Give us the fortitude to define human nature according to your will alone so that each man bears witness to the beauty of his nakedness, shielded by virtue and armed with the fruits of your Spirit.
May every woman and girl cherish the crown of understanding in the genius of her femininity. Lord, help all of us to bear witness to the truth that humanity depends not on the charm of women, but on her heart of service. Lord, protect each woman and girl from the idol worship of her image, both from within and outside. May she see in herself the beauty you made her to be, with the honor of bearing love to the world. Help us to embrace the gift of life, her very own life as much as the potential life within her. May her gaze as well as others be veiled by grace. Let every man recognize in each woman, the person you made. Give us the wisdom to define human nature according to your will alone, knowing all of humanity depends on your love pregnant in the heart of a woman.
May I recognize the failings of my own heart and the blindness from my own gaze. Give me the words of eternal life and the deeds of everlasting love. Clothe me in the truth, beauty, and goodness of my own nakedness, the person whom you made for you and for this world. May my faith in you give hope to others so together we may love you, Lord, evermore. Amen.