Our relationship requires an alignment with who I understand myself to be, who I understand you to be, and who I understand us to be. And the same would be true for you. Our relationship also requires an ordered progression with natural movement, much like music and dancing. We encounter one another intimately over time, step by step, synchronized, and reciprocating in mutuality. The steps we make together are to be aligned with divine order, that is God's Plan, and aligned with human nature, that is the authentic, uniquely us as created by God. If aligned with God's Plan and the uniqueness of each of us, our relationship would flow like music and move like dancing. Sometimes our relationship will be rocky and fast while other times slow and smooth. Knowing the variety of melodies and being opened to every step along the way, together we would partner through life successfully and happily as we dance life together.
Part of God's order is for Man to initiate with the Woman only after he has responded to God's initiative. The Woman is to receive or reject the Man's initiative but only in light of what she has first received from God.
To break this down further in our relationship, I respond to your movement in kind but in my own way through both what I say (Word) and what I do (Deed). I acknowledge you through a new motion of my own yet in like response to what I received from you. My new motion must be in kind to yours for you to receive me well, otherwise, we are most likely stepping on each other's feet. And that is inevitable to happen from time to time, especially early in our relationship or when we are out of sync with each other. I can add something new of me each step of the way as I gradually learn from you. Yet anything new of me given must make sense to you. And I must be open to you and what you communicate to me if I am to keep in rhythm with you. This starts for me with what I understand about you, me, and us.
This is at the essence of Man's initiative. He must know enough of her and of himself to respond in kind to her. If not, then he is likely just jerking her around the dance floor. Or she is not following his lead.
With each small encounter between us, I build up an understanding of who you are, who I am, and who we are together. Yet we are best to realize that we can never fully understand You, I, or Us. There will always be something new to seek out, discover, learn, explore, and share with one another. This is the beautiful part of dancing our way through life. There is always something new to discover, rekindle, or simply cherish in the present moment together. We can recall what we know of each other, and cherish our moments like reciting lyrics or whistling notes of a song to which we enjoy dancing together.
Each of us must begin with trusting. Trusting God has brought us together for a relationship. Trusting oneself to be there for the other. Trusting the other to hold you while dancing in life. Trust aids in understanding the kind of relationship God has called us to have today. Understanding today guides our actions in the now, and transforms our future actions. That is God's plan for human relationships, to dance life together.