The signs of God’s presence in our lives are even more powerful. The greatest signs of God's presence are called sacraments. These seven unique signs instituted by Christ are perhaps the most powerful and most mysterious. The Seven Sacraments are "the signs and instruments by which the Holy Spirit spreads the grace of Christ the head throughout the Church which is his Body" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 774). In the section on the Mystery of the Church, the Catechism explains that the Church is the sacrament of Salvation. Her first purpose is "to be the sacrament of the inner union of men with God" and "the unity of the human race" (775). Therefore we rely on the Church to dispense the sacramental graces given to her by Christ, who is the primordial sacrament, that is the beginning of making visible the invisible reality of God's life and love to the world. And who is the Church? You and I, as baptized members, are the Church. Christ has handed on to us His plan of Salvation! How many of us understand this? How many of us accept this? How many of us embrace this calling and all of what this means?
There is one very basic sacrament that seems to be often diminished, ignored, or neglected. This sacrament is not one of the seven. This sacrament is the human person, whom Christ raised to a sacrament by the Incarnation. Each one of us who is baptized is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Yes! Dwelling within each of us is the true presence of God! And so as a member of the Body of Christ, you are called to be a sacrament, a visible sign of Christ to the world. In fact, God’s plan of Salvation depends on each of us baptized members to be a sign of God’s presence in the world. None of the Seven Sacraments are possible without someone accepting and participating in God's grace. God does not force His grace on anyone. As Mary our Mother models for us, God waits for our yes to His calling.
Now let me be clear, I am not nor are you the true or real presence of God. We are only signs. Yet the real presence of God is known only through us baptized members of the Church, both clergy and laity together. You and I, as baptized members of the Church, are signs of God’s presence in the world. How amazing! How beautiful! How humbling!
I can know and experience God through you like no other sign. More than a photograph or icon and more than a love letter or prayerful words, you and I as temples of the Holy Spirit make present God to the world! This is such an amazing mystery that should definitely humble us. We are called not for comfort but for greatness on God's behalf.
When we show love to another person, we are living icons of God engaging in real time and in real space. Each of us is called to say yes to God, so He can love through us, so God’s love can be experienced by another person. Wow!
We all need God in our lives and God is made present through us. This is His plan of Salvation. God who created us in his image and likeness relies on each of us to be Christ to one another through our words and deeds. So please do not take for granted or dismiss your participation in grace. God relies on you too much to ignore your unique role that He has for you. God asks of each of us to be His Body for the sake of Salvation. Embrace and go forth as a sign of God's presence in the world.