Saturday, February 11, 2012

Never To Be Torn Apart

In the wake of recent news involving abortion (Planned Parenthood vs. Susan G. Komen Foundation) and contraception (Obama Administration vs. the Catholic Church in the U.S.), music has become my sanctuary and muse for the increasingly disturbing trends in this modern warfare of American History. My mind could not help but ask, “What are the angels singing about us now ?”
Through the song, The Last Beat of My Heart, by Siouxsie and the Banshees, the angels spoke to me, and hopefully to you. Because of the gravity of immoral decisions by the people of the United States, via our governments, these lyrics with the images below will haunt you, and some images are very graphic. Perhaps that is why the angels are singing not of praise but out of horror.
If you are prepared to handle this “garland of shame” we have in our country, then I suggest that you play the song in the background via Music Video of The Last Beat of My Heart (You Tube), scrolling through this table below imagining everyone’s guardian angels singing on behalf of the unborn. May your hearts be stirred to defend life.
In the sharp gust of love
My memory stirred
When time wreathed a rose
A garland of shame
Local pro-choice activist Lisa King holds a sign in front of the U.S. Supreme Court as a pro-life activist holds a rose nearby during the annual "March for Life" event January 22, 2009 in Washington, DC. The event was to mark the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court abortion ruling.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Lisa King The U.S. Supreme Court decided on January 22, 1973 in the case Roe v. Wade that a right to privacy extends to a woman’s decision to have a direct abortion until “viability” of the unborn baby, which at the time of the ruling was consider around 24 weeks.
Its thorn my only delight
War torn, afraid to speak
We dare to breathe
image In 2009 President Obama honored Nancy Brinker the Presidential Medal of Freedom. On February 7, 2012 Karen Handel, the VP of Public Policy for Komen, resigned due to the caving of Komen, via Nancy Brinker, because of the vicious attacks by Planned Parenthood.
A bridge of sighs
President Barack Obama and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, are staunchly pro-abortion. advocate for federal funding of abortion, mandate free abortifacient drugs, and consider pregnancy as some form of disease that needs to be prevented.
Solitude sails
In a wave of forgiveness
On angels' wings
Ministries like Project Rachel help mothers who suffer from the aftermath of an abortion find healing, forgiveness and hope.
Reach out your hands
Don't turn your back
Don't walk away
Photo taken by Michael Clancy of Samuel Adams when he was 21 weeks-old during a fetal surgery performed by Dr. Joseph Bruner. Dr. Bruner confirmed the photo is real, but denies the baby reached out. Clancy who owns the copyright of this photo claims that the baby reached out to grasp the doctor’s hand.
How in the world
Can I wish for this?
Never to be torn apart
 11weeksfull 11 Week Abortion
(The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform)
Close to you
'Til the last beat
Of my heart
Model of an embryo at eight weeks Model of an embryo at 8 weeks
Photograph by David Barlow
(National Geographic)
At the close of day
The sunset cloaks
These words in shadowplay
On February 10, 2012 President Barack Obama with Secretary of HHS Kathleen Sebelius announced the so-called HHS Mandate “compromise” aimed to appease religious organization.
Here and now, long and loud
My heart cries out
And the naked bone of an echo says
Don't walk away
11 Week Abortion
(The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform)
Reach out your hands
I'm just a step away
Planned Parenthood opposes the right of conscience. Gloria Feldt, former Planned Parenthood president, called conscience clauses “interference” (Speech at the Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, October 9, 1999).
How in the world
Can I wish for this?
Never to be torn apart
11weeksfull 11 Week Abortion
(The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform)
Close to you
'Til the last beat
Of my heart
Model of a fetus at twelve weeks. Photograph by David Barlow
(National Geographic)
How in the world
Can I wish for this?
Never to be torn apart
11weeksfull  11 Week Abortion
(The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform)
'Til the last beat
'Til the last fleeting beat
Of my heart
All that is necessary
for the triumph of evil
is that good men do nothing."
-Edmund Burke